Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What Can You Do with a Business Administration Degree from Thomas More?

Options are seemingly endless for what you can do with a business administration degree

If you’re considering studying business, you’re probably wondering what you can do with a business administration degree. You might be surprised by the variety of paths and careers your BBA degree can lead you to. 

At Thomas More University, BBA graduates have gone on to become successful business leaders, entrepreneurs, managers, analysts, and more. 

Regardless of your choice in what to do with a business degree, a BBA like the one offered at Thomas More University will give you the financial and analytical knowledge and writing and communication skills to help organizations, people, and communities successfully grow, adapt, and prosper.

Monday, November 15, 2021

What is the Most Important Factor in Ethical Leadership?

Ethical leadership qualities and traits to inspire others

Integrity. Honesty. Kindness. Authenticity. Empathy. These are all ethical leadership qualities that communities, businesses, and organizations hope to find in our leaders. 

At Thomas More University, we know that the most important factor in ethical leadership is a strong value system. That’s because strong, moral values are the foundation from which all other ethical leadership traits may take shape and grow. 

The Center for Ethical Leadership defines ethical leadership as “knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all parts of your life in service of the common good.” Through our Master of Arts in Organizational Management & Ethical Leadership program online, you’ll build on your own values and develop and hone other characteristics of ethical leadership as you learn to do just that.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Importance of Ethical Leadership: 17 Qualities & Traits

Why is ethical leadership important? 

Regardless of the business, organization, or institution, a great amount of responsibility rests on its leaders. From hiring personnel to settling conflicts to overseeing finances, effective leaders know the importance of ethical leadership—and use it to inform their decisions. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

RN vs BSN: What’s the Difference?

What is a BSN? 

And what are the main differences between an RN vs BSN?

When it comes to nursing, you’re probably familiar with the term RN, or registered nurse. But you may be asking: what does BSN stand for? And what is the difference between RN and BSN? In this article, we’ll explore what it means to be an RN vs BSN and help you determine which path is right for you. We’ll also help you answer questions such as “why get a BSN?” and “how long does it take to get a BSN?”

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

11 Careers With A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

What Can I Do With a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology?

Psychology Degrees Provide Valuable Skills for Versatile Careers 

If you’re considering a BA in psychology, then you may have also wondered, what can I do with a bachelor’s degree in psychology? Though the answer may not be as obvious for psychology majors as it is for undergraduate students in other fields of study, a bachelor’s degree in psychology is as versatile as it is popular. 

Students who choose to earn an undergraduate degree in psychology open the door to a range of career possibilities. Exploring the human experience develops interpersonal, communication, and research skills that are in demand in many fields. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Covid-19 and the Circle of Safety

By Anthony Schumacher, Ph.D. — In his book “Leaders Eat Last,” author Simon Sinek emphasizes that an organization’s strength comes from how well its people pull together rather than the product or service it provides. The “pulling together” creates a circle of safety where people feel that they belong and are valued. Effective leaders extend the circle to everyone within the organization. One could argue that the word “effective” could be replaced with “ethical.”  An ethical leader acts with integrity, conducts affairs honestly and with transparency, and believes in the power of empathy. Sinek, when noting the importance of empathy, states that “exceptional organizations have cultures in which the leaders provide cover from above and the people on the ground look out for each other.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Divided or United. What Leaders Can Do

By Angela Crawford, Ph.D. – Since the COVID-19 pandemic began to change our lives earlier this year, we have learned that there are many things we cannot control. Or perhaps we just thought we were controlling our lives, but now we know that is just not the case. Sadly, some of us have lost loved ones and others are grappling with anxiety and depression. We have missed out on so much that was central to our lives: time with friends and family, special milestone events, our religious services, and even the feeling of being in a crowd of people. Moments canceled or replaced with social distancing and online meetings. At work, we are masked up and apart or working from home on our own. Yet within all the changes and uncertainty, every day I find something positive, a blessing amid the chaos, such as the wave of technology embraced across generations and more time at home with my family. We may also consider the reminder we have all been given about not taking for granted many of our activities and relationships. Life lessons can also be valuable.